Bee hive One Way Entrance Kit Set of 3 Made in U.S.A.

October 2, 2021 - Comment

Some time ago I experimented with a one way entrance that could be installed in the afternoon so all the foragers could get in, but not get back out the next morning. That way the hive could be transported with all workers present. I used a vented cone I made for trapping European wasps that

Some time ago I experimented with a one way entrance that could be installed in the afternoon so all the foragers could get in, but not get back out the next morning. That way the hive could be transported with all workers present. I used a vented cone I made for trapping European wasps that I made and sold many thousands to an Australian Agriculture Department. They worked like a charm for wasps, but since the cone protruded only 1/2″ to the inside, as soon as the bees built up that deep, they simply went back out the hole (see last pic) so I shelved the project till about 6 months ago when a fellow beekeeper sent me a link to an anti robbing device. These entrance(s) simply slide into the front under the frames and attach to the box with thumbtacks or user supplied staples. Three units span the entrance of a standard 10 frame box. The kit comes with 4 connector tabs + screws that can be used in lieu of straps, thumb tacks and instructions sheet. At this time the feedback from users is very positive once the entrances are installed, simply wait 30 minutes, by that time all the foragers are back and the hive can be moved no matter whet time of day. Inside the hive, the bees will be attracted to the front where there is light and ventilation. Before they can find their way back out, they have to build up over 3″ deep. The kit comes with 3 one way entrance units, 4 connector tabs, 8 screws, 6 thumb tacks and instruction sheet. All other items box, frames, bottom board and yellow cone entrance are for reference only and are NOT INCLUDED. Made in U.S.A. with imported metal fasteners. Spehar Products, Imagination + unfair advantage We apologize for the increase in price, raw material and production costs have skyrocketed, we just filled an order for $105.00 that cost us $115.00, either we pass on the added costs or discontinue products.


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