Checkmite + for Control of Varroa Mites and Small Hive Beetles in Honeybee Hives

July 11, 2021 - Comment

Pack of 10 CheckMite+ Strips FOR VARROA MITE TREATMENTTo control varroa mite, remove honey supers before application of CheckMite+ Strips and DO NOT REPLACE UNTIL 14 DAYS AFTER THE STRIPS ARE REMOVED. Use one strip for each five combs of bees in each brood chamber (Langstroth deep frames or equivalent in other sizes). Hang the

Pack of 10 CheckMite+ Strips FOR VARROA MITE TREATMENTTo control varroa mite, remove honey supers before application of CheckMite+ Strips and DO NOT REPLACE UNTIL 14 DAYS AFTER THE STRIPS ARE REMOVED. Use one strip for each five combs of bees in each brood chamber (Langstroth deep frames or equivalent in other sizes). Hang the strips in separate spaces between the combs as near the center of the bee/brood cluster as possible. If two deep brood chambers are used for the brood nest, hang the CheckMite+ Strips in both the top and bottom brood chambers.Treat all infested colonies within the yard. The treatment is most effective when brood rearing is lowest. Effective control may be achieved by treating hives in the spring before the first honey flow and in the fall after the last honey flow. Leave the strips in the hive for a minimum of 42 days and a maximum of 45 days. Do not treat the same colony more than twice a year. Honey supers may be replaced 14 days after the strips are removed. Consult provincial guidelines for more information on varroa control.Treatments must be applied at a time when bees are not producing a surplus honey crop. Chemical resistant gloves must be worn when handling the strips. DO NOT use leather gloves (i.e.: leather beekeeping gloves) when handling this product. Just before application, remove the required number of CheckMite+ Strips from the pouch. Unused strips should remain in original package. Do not treat the same colony with coumaphos more than twice a year. Check Mite + is not recommended for use in honey bee colonies that are used as cell builders for producing queens.MINOR USES:NOTE TO USER: READ THE FOLLOWING BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT FOR THE INDICATED SPECIAL USE APPLICATIONS (BELOW): The DIRECTIONS FOR USE for this product for the uses described below were developed by persons other than Bayer and accepted for registration by Health Canada under the User Requested Minor Use Label Expansion program. Bayer itself makes no representation or warranty with respect to performance (efficacy) or tolerance claims for this product when used for detection/control of small hive beetles in beehives. Accordingly, the Buyer and User assume all risks related to performance and tolerance arising, and agree to hold Bayer harmless from any claims based on efficacy or tolerance in connection with the uses described below.FOR SMALL HIVE BEETLE DETECTION AND CONTROL:Treatments must be applied at a time when bees are not producing a surplus honey crop and honey supers have been removed. Use one strip of CheckMite+ per hive. Remove honey super before the application of Checkmite+ strips. DO NOT REPLACE HONEY SUPERS UNTIL 14 DAYS AFTER THE STRIPS ARE REMOVED. Chemical resistant gloves must be worn when handling the strips or the prepared cardboard inserts with the attached strips. DO NOT use leather gloves (i.e.: leather beekeeping gloves) when handling this product. Just before application, remove the required number of CheckMite + strips from the pouch. Unused strips should remain in the original package.Prepare a piece of corrugated cardboard by peeling off and removing the surface of one side to expose the flutes within the cardboard. Then cut the cardboard to approximately 22.5 cm along the flutes by 10 cm wide (across the flutes). Tape over the smooth side of the cardboard (the side opposite the strips) with duct tape, shipping tape or similar tape to prevent the bees from chewing and removing cardboard, or use one-sided plastic corrugated sheets. Staple one strip of CheckMite+ onto the center of the corrugated side of the cardboard.Place cardboard insert fitted with CheckMite+ strips as near the center of the bottom board as possible with the strip facing down, parallel to the width of the hive. Make sure the bottom board is clean and the insert lays flat on the bottom board. This allows the beetles to walk through the tunnels, but it prevents the bees from walking under the insert and being exposed to Checkmite+. For detection, leave the strips in the hive for one week, then check for the presence of dead beetles. For treatment, leave the strips in the hive for a minimum of 42 days and a maximum of 45 days. DO NOT TREAT THE SAME COLONY WITH COUMAPHOS MORE THAN TWICE A YEAR. Honey supers may be replaced 14 days after strips are removed.STORAGE:To prevent contamination, store this product away from water, food or feed. Keep the strips in original, unopened package until ready to use. Any unused strips that remain after treatment should be returned to the opened pouch, placed in a resealable bag and returned to the original container. Do not store in direct sunlight. Do not store unused strips in anything but original package. Do not store unused strips near pesticides or other chemical substances that could contaminate the strips and result in bee toxicity. Do not reuse the strips.Dispose of packaging (foil wrap) and the used strips in accordance with local requirements. For information on disposal of unused, unwanted product, contact the manufacturer or the local regulatory agency. Contact the manufacturer and the local regulatory agency in case of a spill, and for clean-up of spills.NOTICE TO USER: This pest control product is to be used only in accordance with the directions on the label. It is an offence under the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a way that is inconsistent with the directions on the label. The user assumes the risk to persons or property that arises from any such use of this product.NET CONTENTS: (10 Strips)Bayer Inc., Animal Health Division, 2920 Matheson Blvd. East, Mississauga, ON L4W 5R6


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