XL Ultra Breeze 3-layer Ventilated Sting-Free Beekeeping Suit + Gloves & Smokers

September 21, 2021 - Comment

XL Ultra Breeze 3-layer Ventilated Sting-Free Beekeeping Suit – Made in the USA! I purchased this suit about ten years ago when my brother-in-law and I decided to keep some bees on his property along the upper coast of Texas. I had kept some bees back in the 80’s; but, had given them up when

XL Ultra Breeze 3-layer Ventilated Sting-Free Beekeeping Suit – Made in the USA! I purchased this suit about ten years ago when my brother-in-law and I decided to keep some bees on his property along the upper coast of Texas. I had kept some bees back in the 80’s; but, had given them up when I had a very bad reaction to a wasp sting. I knew that it would be in my best interest to have a beesuit that would protect me from stings. My recent experience with beekeeping is now over since my brother-in-law moved to Arkansas to live on a lake. I probably wore this suit 10 times in all. Never a sting during that time. The suit is in great shape except for a couple discolored spots on the knees. We machine washed the suit just prior to taking the pictures in this listing. When I purchased this suit, there were no beekeeping suits similar to this on the market.


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